Móveis Fenix

We have grown from being a small wood resale company and reached the world with the quality of our special products. This was possible because we assumed the commitment to be sustainable economically, ecologically, and socially. Therefore, we are looking for partner companies and people with the same vision, values and responsibility, to share and grow together.


Improve the environmental performance of activities through the adequacy of waste disposal;

Generate the minimum amount of waste in the main processes;

Provide environmental engagement and awareness activities to employees and community;

Strengthen operational environmental controls.


Protect the environment by using exclusively 100% legalized wood and applying the necessary controls to the different solid, liquid and gaseous waste;

Comply with environmental and other legal requirements that impact in anyway our environmental performance;

Train employees to exercise their duties and responsibilities, by providing awareness programs;

Seek continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System;

Frequently promote critical analysis of the Management System, assigning the leadership the responsibility of prioritizing these activities.

In 2023


waste destined for landfill

$ 68.333,33



certified wood inputs

15,9 m³

Solvent recycling and reuse


tons of recycled waste


from reforestation


Replacement of the disposable plastic cups

Aiming to reduce the use of disposable plastic cups, we have distributed to all of our employees a new bamboo fiber thermal cup made of 50% natural fibers and 50% virgin resin, free of toxins and BPA.

Printing reduction

Thanks to the use of Google Drive since November 2020, our total volume of paper print's volume was reduced in 20%.

Construction in progress

In order to further improve the process of segregation and disposal of industrial waste, we are building a new waste center, which will occupy a total of 150m² on our factory premises. The works are expected to be completed in the second half of 2023.